One of the worst intellectual prognostications regarding the limits of
science, in this case astrophysics, was made in 1835 by the
prominent French philosopher Auguste Comte. In his
Cours de
la Philosophie Positive he wrote:
On the subject of stars, all investigations which are not ultimately
reducible to simple visual observations are ... necessarily denied
to us. While we can conceive of the possibility of determining their
shapes, their sizes, and their motions, we shall never be able by any
means to study their chemical composition or their mineralogical
structure ... Our knowledge concerning their gaseous envelopes is necessarily
limited to their existence, size ... and refractive power, we shall not at all
be able to determine their chemical composition or even their density...
I regard any notion concerning the true mean temperature of the various
stars as forever denied to us.
Here, Comte is assuming that the determination of composition, density,
temperature, etc., would require one to obtain
samples of the stars---obviously, a very difficult proposition
even today.

However, only 14 years later, the physicist
Kirchhoff discovered that the temperature and chemical
composition of a gas could be deduced from its
spectrum viewed from an arbitrary distance.
This method was extended to astronomical bodies by
Huggins in 1864, who was the first to use a
attached to a telescope. (See image at right.) Not only have we
learned how to determine the chemical composition of distant stars and
nebulae, but the element
helium (the second most abundant in
the universe) was first identified in the spectrum of the Sun, rather
than in an earthbound laboratory.
Today we use
spectroscopy to measure chemical abundances,
temperatures, velocities, rotations, ionization states, magnetic
fields, pressure, turbulence, density, and many other properties of
distant planets, stars, and galaxies. Some objects studied
this way are over 10 billion light years away. Spectroscopy is the
richest source of information about the universe. In its laboratory
setting, spectroscopy provided the experimental basis for
Two lessons: nature usually outstrips the human imagination.
And philosophers often get science wrong.
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Last modified
December 2020 by rwo
Copyright © 2000-2020 Robert W. O'Connell. All
rights reserved. These notes are intended for the private,
noncommercial use of students enrolled in Astronomy courses at the
University of Virginia.