
A view object represents a rectangular area in which graphics objects are drawn. It is a container for objects of the IDLgrModel class.


This class is a subclass of IDL_Container


This class has no subclasses.


See IDLgrView::Init


Intrinsic Methods

This class has the following methods:

Inherited Methods

This class inherits the following methods:


The IDLgrView:: Add procedure method adds a child to this view. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Obj -> [IDLgrView::] Add, Model



An instance of the IDLgrModel object class.



Set this keyword equal to the zero-based index of the position within the container at which the new object should be placed.


The IDLgrView:: Cleanup procedure method performs all cleanup on the object. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence



Obj -> [IDLgrView::] Cleanup                               ( In a subclass' Cleanup method only .)


There are no arguments for this method.


There are no keywords for this method.


The IDLgrView:: GetByName function method finds contained objects by name. If the named object is not found, the GetByName function returns a null object reference.

IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Result = Obj -> [IDLgrView::] GetByName( Name )



A string containing the name of the object to be returned.

Object naming syntax is very much like the syntax of a Unix filesystem. Objects contained by other objects can include the name of their parent object; this allows you to create a fully qualified name specification. For example, if object1 contains object2 , which in turn contains object3 , the string specifying the fully qualified object name of object3 would be 'object1/object2/object3' .

Object names are specified relative to the object on which the GetByName method is called. If used at the beginning of the name string, the / character represents the top of an object hierarchy. The string '..' represents the object one level "up" in the hierarchy.


There are no keywords for this method.


The IDLgrView:: GetProperty procedure method retrieves the value of the property or group of properties for the view. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Obj -> [IDLgrView::] GetProperty


There are no arguments for this method.


Any keyword to IDLgrView::Init


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain an anonymous structure containing the values of all of the properties associated with the state of this object. State information about the object includes things like color, range, tick direction, etc., but not image, vertex, or connectivity data, or user values.


Set this keyword equal to a named variable that will contain an object reference to the object that contains this object.


The IDLgrView:: Init function method initializes the view object. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Obj = OBJ_NEW('IDLgrView')


Result = Obj -> [IDLgrView::] Init( )         ( In a subclass' Init method only .)


There are no arguments for this method.


Properties retrievable via IDLgrView::GetProperty

COLOR (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to the color for the view. This is the color to which the view area will be erased before its contents are drawn. The color may be specified as a color lookup table index or as an RGB vector. The default is [255, 255, 255] (white).

DEPTH_CUE (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to a two-element floating point array [ zbright , zdim ] specifying the near and far Z planes between which depth cueing is in effect. Depth cueing is only honored when drawing to a destination object that uses the RGB color model.

Depth cuing causes an object to appear to fade into the background color of the view object with changes in depth. If the depth of an object is further than zdim (that is, if the object's location in the Z direction is farther from the origin than the value specified by zdim ), the object will be painted in the background color. Similarly, if the object is closer than the value of zbright , the object will appear in its "normal" color. Anywhere in-between, the object will be a blend of the background color and the object color. For example, if the DEPTH_CUE property is set to [-1,1], an object at the depth of 0.0 will appear as a 50% blend of the object color and the view color.

The relationship between Z bright and Z dim determines the result of the rendering:

You can disable depth cueing by setting zbright = zdim . The default is [0.0, 0.0].



Set this keyword to a two-element vector of the form [ width , height ] specifying the dimensions of the viewport (the rectangle in which models are displayed on a graphics destination). By default, the viewport dimensions are set to [0, 0], which indicates that it will match the dimensions of the graphics destination to which it is drawn. The dimensions are measured in the units specified by the UNITS keyword.

EYE (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to specify the distance from the eyepoint to the viewplane (Z=0). The default is 4.0. The eyepoint is always centered within the viewplane rectangle. (That is, if the VIEWPLANE_RECT property is set equal to [0,0,1,1], the eyepoint will be at X=0.5, Y=0.5.)


Set this keyword to a two-element vector of the form [ x , y ] specifying the position of the lower lefthand corner of the view. The default is [0, 0], and is measured in device units.


Set this keyword to and integer value indicating the type of projection to use within this view. All models displayed within this view will be projected using this type of projection. Valid values are described below.


Set this keyword to disable the viewport erase, making the viewport transparent.

UNITS (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to specify the units of measure for this view. Valid values are:

UVALUE (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to a value of any type. You can use this "user value" to contain any information you wish. Remember that if you set the user value equal to a pointer or object reference, you should destroy the pointer or object reference explicitly when destroying the object it is a user value of.


Set this keyword to a four-element vector of the form [ x , y , width , height ] to describe the bounds in x and y of the view volume. Objects within the view volume are projected into the viewport. These values are measured in normalized space. The default is [-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0]

ZCLIP (Get, Set)

Set this keyword to a two element vector representing the near and far clipping planes to be applied to the objects in this view. The vector should take the form [ near , far ]. By default, these values are [1, -1].


The IDLgrView:: Remove procedure method removes a model from the view. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Obj -> [IDLgrView::] Remove, Model



An instance of the IDLgrModel object class to be removed from the view.



Set this keyword to remove all object from the container. If this keyword is set, the Model argument is not required.


Set this keyword equal to the zero-based index of the object to be removed. If the Model argument is supplied, this keyword is ignored.


The IDLgrView:: SetProperty procedure method sets the value of the property or group of properties for the view. IDLgrView is described above.

Calling Sequence

Obj -> [IDLgrView::] SetProperty


There are no arguments for this method.


Any keyword to IDLgrView::Init