ASTR 1230 (O'Connell) Lecture Notes



Saturn imaged with a 14-in amateur telescope
by Damian Peach


The Solar System consists of the Sun, 8 planets, a number of "dwarf planets," over 160 satellites, and a thin scattering of rocky or icy planetoids, comets, dust, and gas. The Sun is the dominant object, being 1000 times more massive than the next largest (Jupiter). By terrestrial standards, the density of matter in the Solar System is extremely low, and the planets are separated by enormous gaps.

Other than the Sun, no solar system object is self-luminous (at visible wavelengths), and all shine by reflected sunlight. From the Earth, the second and third-brightest Solar System objects are the Moon and Venus. Other than the Sun, the Moon, and some comets, no Solar System object is resolvable with the naked eye---all appear instead to be point sources of light. So, real exploration of the nature of the planets and interplanetary denizens required the use of telescopes.

Many interesting features of the Solar System can be observed with the naked eye, binoculars, and small telescopes, and this lecture is aimed at exploring some of these.


For most of human history, "astronomy" consisted mainly of naked-eye studies of the motions of solar system bodies. We will use the Starry Night planetarium software to simulate the appearance of the sky over many years and illustrate the apparent motions of the Sun, Moon, and planets. We call these "apparent" motions, because they can be produced by motions of the Earth, which carries the observers (us), as well as by the intrinsic motions of the objects themselves.


The apparent annual motion of the Sun is caused by the fact that we are observing it from the Earth, which is a planet moving in orbit around the Sun.

Earth Orb May

Earth Orb Nov

Earth and Moon seen together
from a spacecraft (click for an enlargement).


The Moon is the Earth's only natural satellite. Although it has only 1/4 the diameter of Earth, it is the largest satellite with respect to its primary of any in the Solar System except for Pluto's moon Charon.


Full Moon (an extract from a composite exposure).
Click for full image.


The Moon is the only "planetary" surface that can be examined in detail through a small telescope, and it is a fascinating study. Galileo's small telescopes (1609) first revealed the Moon's remarkable terrain.

Plan Orbits


Spacecraft images of the planets to correct
relative scale (though not separation)


Three Kinds of Planets: What a mess! In the summer of 2006 astronomers held a debate over the meaning of the term "planet"---specifically whether or not Pluto and the several other newly discovered distant objects that are similar to Pluto should be placed in a separate category. In the end, the International Astronomical Union voted to create a new category of "dwarf planet" for these latter objects. All this was handled very clumsily; and it generated needless controversy, especially among the many who were fond of planet Pluto, since it was demoted.

Including this new category, there are three types of planets: terrestrial planets, Jovian planets, and dwarf planets: All the non-dwarf planets except Uranus and Neptune are easily visible to the naked eye. With your 8-in telescopes, you can also observe Uranus (5.5 mag) and Neptune (7.8 mag). Pluto is 14.9 mag, and is visible only in larger telescopes. Ceres is a relatively easy target for your telescopes (even though it is smaller than Pluto and other ice dwarfs, it is much nearer). Venus and Mercury can be observed in daylight.

Click here for sketches of the appearance of the planets in small telescopes.

MERCURY: Hard to observe only because it is always near the Sun and never very far from the horizon at night. Surface features are too subtle to be detected in a small telescope. Like Venus, shows phases.

VENUS: Dazzling white in the sky. Can be astonishingly bright and is the source of more "UFO" (Unidentified Flying Object) reports than any other astronomical object.

MARS: Undergoes large changes in distance, and consequently apparent size & brightness, from Earth. Brightest at opposition (once every 2.1 years); but because of its relatively elliptical orbit, its distance at opposition can vary by a factor of two (see diagram).

JUPITER: A very bright, yellowish object, normally the fourth brightest in the sky (after the Sun, Moon, and Venus). Its celestial motion is much slower than any of the planets already discussed.

SATURN: Famous as the ringed planet, though all four gas giants actually have rings.

URANUS and NEPTUNE: All of the above planets were known to naked eye astronomers. The others are products of the telescopic age (Uranus was discovered in 1781). Uranus and Neptune are distant enough that they show only small blue-green disks in an 8-in telescope, without further details being visible (they have very low contrast atmospheres even seen close up). You will need a finding chart to locate them. Their satellites are too faint for detection in the 8-in scopes.


Although only a trace constituent of the Solar System, the material between the planets provides a number of interesting, even spectacular, observational phenomena. These are all "leftovers"---debris from the formation of the solar system. The larger chunks (comets, asteroids) pose significant dangers to the Earth.

Hale-Bopp COMETS: are large chunks of ice which start to evaporate when they get within several Astronomical Units of the Sun (one AU = the distance between Sun and Earth), producing a gaseous coma and sometimes a tail. The Solar System contains billions of comet nuclei, but most are beyond the orbit of Neptune. Most have very elongated orbits and reach small distances from the Sun only infrequently. Some, however, are gravitationally deflected by Jupiter into orbits with shorter periods (< 100 years); these are called "periodic" comets. Most are faint.

METEORS: are the incandescent trails of tiny pieces of rocky or icy debris burning up at high altitudes in the Earth's atmosphere. Up to about 10 per hour can be seen on dark nights at any time of the year. Most will be 2-4 magnitude, but "fireballs" can be much brighter. Debris left behind by comets along their orbits can produce concentrated meteor showers with much higher rates, up to 1000's of meteors per hour in rare instances. The Earth passes through these debris streams at regular times each year. The best showers are the Perseids (Aug 12-13), Orionids (Oct 21-22), Leonids (Nov 17-18), and the Geminids (Dec 14-15). The Leonids have been known to produce spectacular showers, but none are expected in the near future.

ASTEROIDS: Asteroids, traditionally called "minor planets," are large rocky or metallic chunks ranging from less than a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. They move in their own orbits around the Sun. Ceres, 1000 km in diameter, was the first discovered (1801). It is estimated there are about 750,000 asteroids larger than 1 km in diameter, and over 500,000 have now had their orbits determined(!) Most orbits are concentrated between Mars and Jupiter, but many cross the Earth's orbit.


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Last modified January 2021 by rwo

Moon phase and Earth orbit drawings copyright © by Nick Strobel. Text copyright © 2000-2021 Robert W. O'Connell. All rights reserved. These notes are intended for the private, noncommercial use of students enrolled in Astronomy 1230 at the University of Virginia.